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Business As Level (Edexcel)
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Chapter 1: Video lecture & Practice Quizzes - Business and it's environment
1. Economic problem, scarcity, choice and opportunity cost (13:46)
2. Opportunity Cost (6:29)
3. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sector (10:33)
4. Private Sector, Public Sector, Mixed Economy (14:07)
QUIZ - 1
5. Business Growth: Internal and External (38:09)
6. Sole Trader (24:15)
7. Partnership (24:19)
8. Private and Public limited companies (9:42)
9. Shareholders and Dividends (3:12)
10. Franchise (7:10)
11. Joint Venture (6:20)
12. Measuring the business size (2:18)
Functions of Management (6:52)
Mintzberg theory of Management (11:19)
13. Transformation process (18:23)
14. PEST - The External Enviornment (7:58)
15. Competitive Threshold diagram (8:24)
16. Risks and Rewards matrix (4:00)
17. Stakeholders (4:00)
Chapter 1 Notes by students
Chapter 2: Video lectures & Practice Quizzes - People in Organisation
1. People in Organization - HR (2:07)
2. Functions of Management (7:57)
3. Mintzberg Role of Management (9:51)
4. Managers and Leaders (9:20)
5. Leadership Theories (9:12)
6. Behavioural Theories - Leadership styles (7:56)
7. Leadership Theories
8. Emotional Intelligence (2:42)
9. Motivation (3:36)
10. Human Needs by Max neef (5:00)
11. Content Theory and Process Theory - Motivational Theories (3:50)
12. Scientific School of content theory (4:52)
13. Human Relation School of Content Theory - Elton Mayo (2:55)
14. Neo Human Relation School of content theory - psychological (6:14)
16. Herzberg (5:13)
17. Victor Vroom Theory - Process Theory (3:18)
18. David McClelland's Theory of Need - Process Theory (4:56)
19. Motivation Factors (5:48)
20. Motivation - Financial Factors (9:38)
21. Motivation - Non Financial rewards (2:43)
22. Motivation Non Financial (continued) Job Redesign (7:23)
23. Job description and Job specification (9:23)
15. Maslow Hierarchy (12:12)
24. Recruitment process (9:30)
25. Trainings (6:40)
Chapter 3: Video lectures & Practice Quizzes - Marketing
1. The Marketing Department (5:45)
2. Role of Marketing (6:45)
3. Customer spending pattern (8:32)
4. Mass and Niche Market (5:42)
5. Market segmentation (5:53)
6. Customer oriented vs product oriented (3:31)
7. Market Research (5:53)
8. Primary Research (6:33)
9. Secondary Research (5:17)
10. Sampling (6:18)
11. Marketing Mix (5:11)
12. Consumer goods and producer goods (4:29)
13. Unique Selling Point (USP) (2:30)
14. What is a Brand? Image, name and loyalty (6:21)
15. Packaging (19:18)
16. Pricing Strategies (7 Strategies) (29:18)
17. Price Elasticity of Demand (8:10)
18. Advertising (Types & Process) (12:03)
19. Sales Promotion (4:13)
Chapter 4: Video lectures & Practice Quizzes - Operations
1. Operations, production & productivity (10:31)
2. Lean production (Just in time, Cell and Kaizen) (18:59)
3. Production methods (Job, flow & batch) (18:33)
4. Costs (Types of costs) (11:12)
5. Economies of scale (11:53)
6. Break-even point (22:29)
Chapter 5: Video lectures & Practice Quizzes - Finance and Accounting
1. Sources of Finance (25:54)
2. Cash Flow (15:21)
3. Cash flow - presentation
4. Income statement (44:44)
Past Papers explained
Paper 1. Section A, Q1 A, 1 B, 1 C, 1 D (55:16)
New Lecture
2. Opportunity Cost
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